We now have a dedicated page for volunteer help
Here is the older blog post-
Ways you can help us:
First join our slack group. Then pick something from the list below-
We need to organize an install team. The involves climbing on roofs, drilling holes, running ethernet cable, crimping cable, antenna alignment, antenna channel selection. Join the #installs channel.
Install Planning
We have hundreds of node applications. See if you can join the rooftops together on our map and plan an install. This takes lots of emailing and phone calls. Join the #installs channel.
Network Admins
Help us by monitoring nodes and alerting users to problems. Do you know Icinga or Nagios? Know how to write bash scripts? Join the #monitoring channel
Neighborhood Organizers
Distribute leaflets and help organize events in your neighborhood. Get your local community centers involved. Join the #neighborhoods channel
Neighborhood internet gateway
Set up a node on your rooftop to share your internet gateway. Join the #neighborhoods channel
Hardware hackers
Get our firmware running on more devices. We need support for cheap 2.4GHz and dual band routers. Join the #hardware and #software channels on Slack. Clone our nycmeshfeed on our github.
Donate Space
We need a space to store cable and antennas and prepare installs.
Grant writing
Our very successful grant writer is leaving the country. We need someone to look up appropriate grants and write the applications. Join the #funding channel.
Donate Money
Donations are tax deductible and go towards expanding our network!
Email me if you have any suggestions.